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Frequent Ask Questions

 About Daycare

What does a typical day look like for Daycare pets?

A typical day at Bark Central starts whenever you bring your dog in. We offer half days for 4 hours or less and full days up to 12 hours with no pre-scheduled appointment or set weekly schedules. We are open as early 6am and close at 6:30pm. We are here for you when you need us.  After a few visit your dog gets used to routine, environment, staff, and make doggy friends. New dogs or  timid dogs get introduced slowly to other dogs, so they don't get over whelmed. During the day more and more friends come to play. The dogs are free to do what they want with unlimited access to outside for potty break and unlimited access to clean drinking water. Dogs can run, jump, socialize with other dos, play with toys, swim, get love and petting from our staff, and take rest and naps.  We take pictures throughout the day and post them on our Facebook page for owners to see. At about noon to 1pm we feed the dogs lunch who have it. You can always sign your pet up for a bath or nail trim to be done before you pick them up as well. When you pick your dog up they will be happy and tired all the way home! Come in today for your free trial between 9am and 5pm. 

Can I bring my pet's bed, blanket, or toys?

We ask that you leave all beds, blankets, and toys at home. Not having these items makes less of a hassle for you and us. It’s one less thing for you to remember to bring before your big trip and we don’t have to worry about your items getting misplaces or destroyed. We supply all bedding for each pet that is washed daily. Plus, far too many dogs can be possessive over personal items or toys. We also do not need your pet’s food or water bowels. We have size appropriate feeding bowls that are sanitized after each feeding. Fresh, clean water is always available and bowls are washed daily.

Can I bring my pet's own food?

Normally most owners feed their dogs before they come and after the pick them up from doggie daycare. If you have a puppy under 6 months old we recommend feeding them 3 times a day. If you need to bring your dogs food we highly recommend bringing your pet’s own food from home. Switching your dog’s diet can give them an upset tummy or diarrhea. Bring their food in its original dog food bag, zip lock baggies, or container with your pets first and last name.  Any extra food left over will be given back.  If you do not bring food we will not feed your dog lunch while at daycare. If you want us to feed your pet our in house lamb and rice premium dry dog food there is a $1.00 feeding charge.

Are the dogs caged?

​No they are not. The only time they are in kennel crates are if they need to take a break from group play or are being too rowdy and need a "time out." Occasionally we will feed the dogs lunch using the kennel crates. All our play groups are large indoor rooms with dog door access to large outdoor play yards. 

How long can my pet stay to play?

​Your pet can stay as long or as little as you want or need. We have had dogs come for daycare for only an hour so their owners can go shopping and we have dogs stay for all day while their owners work. We are workable with you and your schedule. When your pet check in is when we determine if your pet is doing a full day or half day.

What do I need to bring for the trial?


For your pet's trial all you need to do is fill out our application paper work, $20 (cash or credit card) and your pet's proof vaccine records from their vet. You may bring a lunch if your pet is under 6 months of age. Otherwise most adult dogs will eat in the morning at home and the evening after you pick them up . See requirements page for more information. Pets who pass the trial qualify for boarding and daycare at our facility.

What age can I bring my Puppy?


We recommending bring puppies in that are at least 12 weeks of age or have had their first two sets of puppy distemper/ parvo shots and bordetella. Young puppies are at higher risk for getting sick if not vaccinated and bring exposed to other pets. We don't require your puppy to have rabies until they are 6 months of age. We also require your puppy to be spayed or nurtured at 7 month of age.

What vaccines does my dog need?


We require three vaccines. Rabies for dogs over 6 months of age and are done every 1 year or every 3 years. Bordetella also known as kennel cough Vaccines which is done every 6 months or 1 year. And Distemper /Parvo (DHPP) which is a 5-way vaccine which is given every 1 year or 3 years.

What if my dog an unexpected event comes up and I can't get my dog before you close?


Your pet can stay the night if you think you will be too late for pick up. Please keep in contact with us if unexpected changes come up. . Dogs that are with us longer then 15 minutes after our close time, and we can not get in touch with you or any of your emergency contracts, will be boarded and fees will apply.

Bark Central Daycare

Doggie Daycare, Overnight Boarding, and Grooming


610 112th St. E. 

Tacoma, WA 98445

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